Visiting Researcher

Environmental challenges confronting society and natural environment are complex and at a staggering pace. Environmental degradation also adds more pressure to the existing inequalities and other social problems. Mitigation efforts must include social perspective to boost appropriate societal responses.

Visiting research program seeks to catalyze broader collaborative research among different faculties in Universitas Indonesia and with other universities or research institutions. The program works to organize and enhance research capacity of School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia and partners. With social paradigm at the centre, this program equips research in environmental science with foci in various social, cultural, political, economical, and ethical interests. Further, this program hopes to bring insights to the development of multidimensional research.

Bambang Hariyadi, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D.

Bambang Hariyadi received his Ph.D. in Ethnobotany from the University of Hawaii, USA. He is interested in connecting environmental, educational, and socio-cultural aspects. Specifically, his research interests include ecology, conservation, ecotourism, ethnobotany, biodiversity, and biology. His research have been focusing on rural tourism, peatland conservation, ethnobotany, and environment-based education. He enjoys working with students as well as local communities to develop community-based projects such as ecotourism. Besides doing research, he also teaches several subjects at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Jambi University. Some of the subjects he teaches are ecology, biodiversity, entrepreneurship, ethnobotany, ethnoscience, qualitative research, and the social and cultural environment. He has published some of his research in books (chapters), including Benuaron: Fruit gardens of the Orang Rimba (Earthscan-Routledge, 2014) and Orang Serampas: Tradition and Nature Conservation (IPB Press, 2013). He is very keen to develop research collaboration in relevant fields, both with local and international researchers.

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Diahhadi Setyonaluri or Ruri is a lecturer at the Department of Economics and researcher at the Lembaga Demografi, both at Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. She earned her PhD from the Australian National University in 2013, with a dissertation titled “Determinants of women’s employment exit and return in Indonesia”. Ruri has worked in the area of demography, social protection, and gender in development. She wrote a book chapter on Social Protection for Informal Workers in Indonesia: A case of MSME in an edited book “Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia” published by the ADB. In 2015, Ruri received a grant from the Indonesia Project Small Research Grants for her research on the negotiation between work, care and traffic in Mega Urban Region of Jakarta. Ruri received Sumitomo Research Grants in 2016 for her research on gender norms and post-marital labour force participation in Indonesia and Japan. Ruri has also been working closely with the government and international agencies. She wrote the Health Sector Review 2018 on Demographic and Epidemiology Transition their impact on Demand for Health Services in Indonesia for Bappenas RI. In 2020, Ruri and Reksa Samudra wrote an analysis on Inequitable Impact of COVID-19 in Indonesia, supported by the UNESCO. She is currently working on three projects: Women Informal Food Network in Greater Jakarta with Dr Ariane Utomo from the University of Melbourne; Social Norms and Women’s Economic Participation Indonesia, commissioned by Investing in Women Asia; and Gender Wage Gap in Indonesia during COVID-19 -with her student Ivana Markus.

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Diana Chalil, PhD

The main focus of my research is the palm oil supply chain, including partnerships, replanting, certification, landscape, inclusivity, sustainability, risk and price transmission. I have been conducting such studies since 2003 when I focused on market power in the palm oil industry as the topic of my dissertation at the University of Sydney. Together with teams from Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Jambi, Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh, Prince of Songkla Thailand and Universiti Putra Malaysia, we founded the Consortium Studies on Smallholder Palm Oil ( in 2015. In collaboration with CIRAD France, we disseminate the results of our studies at the CSSPO annual conference. As a member of a team of experts in several oil palm programs, such as the North Sumatra Sustainable Palm Oil Forum (FOKSBI) and the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC), I mostly conduct action research. I also disseminate the results of my studies as an effort to provide balanced information to researchers and academics in importing countries such as Pakistan, France, England and Australia. In 2020, I started delving in research on the role of women in the palm oil industry and will conduct a joint study with ACIAR as a continuation of the Meryl William Fellowship program that I am participating in.

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Dr. Agr. Sc. Ernoiz Antriyandarti, SP, MP, M.Ec

Ernoiz Antriyandarti completed her doctorate program in Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Natural Resource Economics. She is a lecturer in the Agribusiness study program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. She is the chairperson of the Economic Research and Rural Development Group and the Chief Editor of the Agricultural Socio-Economic Journal. and Agribusiness (SEPA). Ernoiz has several studies related to topics of: post-disaster economic recovery, rice economy, consumer behavior, development of agribusiness areas, development of the coffee market, revitalization of the livelihoods of peat communities in Riau, environmental conservation, community sanitation, and Sustainable Development Goals. Ernoiz is also a team of the Yogyakarta municipal government research network, involved in research related to the development priorities of the city of Yogyakarta. As an active researcher, several publications have been written for international journals indexed by Scopus and for national journals accredited by DIKTI. Ernoiz has experience as a Visiting Lecturer and Researcher at several universities in Japan and Vietnam. In addition, Ernoiz is actively collaborating on research with several universities in the world.

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Dr. Amir Machmud, S.E, M.Si

Amir Machmud is the head of the Business Incubator and Entrepreneurship and a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Education (FPEB), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) with expertise in the field of Economics (Entrepreneurial Economics) In the last ten years, 2011-2020, there are 17 research activities carried out by Amir Machmud whose funding came from various schemes. Most of the research topics were of economic issues, Islamic economics, development economics, industrial economics, and applied economics and entrepreneurship. From these, he has published several articles in reputable international journals, national journals indexed by Sinta, textbooks and references with ISBN, and articles in newspapers. Amir Machmud is the chief editor of Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Indonesia (Under Study Program of Economic Education, Faculty of Economic and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) and chief editor of the Journal of Entrepreneurial Economics (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia). Amir Machmud shows high dedication and commitment to duties and institutions (UPI, FPEB, and Study Programs), moral integrity and academic capacity. He also pursues national and international networks, as well as cooperation and leadership. Various awards were won by Amir Machmud, among others, FPEB outstanding lecturers (2017), PPEB 2018 Creative Lecturer, recipient of the WCU 2020 program for the Call Papers and International Collaboration category (2020), recipient of the Innovation for Industry grant program (2020) through the E-InPes App (Electronic financial inclusion application for Pesantren).

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Dr. Anang Susanto, SHut, MSc

Anang is the head of a research institute and community service at the Universitas Merdeka Madiun and a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture in the field of agroforestry. His research of forest fringe communities has been conducted independently (in 2010 and 2020), as well as in collaboration with the Directorate of Higher Education (in 2013 to 2019), and NGOs. He has written papers in some national and international journals and a book that was published in Germany. Anang enjoyas doing community service. Some of the community service projects he participated in were held by the Directorate of Higher Education on the use of raw materials into semi-finished raw materials from 2013 to 2015. The research on the topic were carried out together with NGOs in 2015 and 2020.

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Dr. Ars. Eko Nursanty, ST., MT

Dr. Ars. Eko Nursanty, ST., MT is a lecturer in Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) Semarang In randomness there is power of curiosity, impartiality, and holistic thinking. My curiosity of everything new has been drawing me to explore into new frontiers of knowledge, looking for the elements of novelties and authenticity. My principle of impartiality is guiding my conscious to treat everyone and everything in equal manner without prejudice, to ensure objectivity in research. My holistic thinking reminds me to look all nuances and layers comprehensively, from past to present and into the future, through physical to social and ideological aspects, by always placing human – as a person or a community – at the center of my thinking. My research is within the domain of architecture, cultural heritage, and place branding – focused in Asia, especially Indonesian and Southeast-Asian contexts. For me, Architecture is the manifestation of human culture and economic pursuits, evolving together with the local culture, happening on a specific place in both urban and rural environments. “Butterfly-Mamoli” theory and methodology that I developed right after my PhD research combines all of those components together in rational and all-inclusive manner. The “Butterfly” frames the Rational and Emotional sides of human thinking from past to present and toward the future, whereas “Mamoli” established the relationship of human or community with a place or a context in terms of physical, social, and ideological attributes. With these premises, I dedicate my research to teaching and community empowerment efforts, to develop the competitive advantage of every individual and the community, especially the weaker one, so they can become more independent, stronger, and prosperous, while remains ethical, open-minded, and empathetic.

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Dr. Atika Wijaya

Atika Wijaya is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Wijaya received her doctoral degree in 2017 from the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development (ICIS) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, under the umbrella of SPIN (Scientific Programme Indonesia – Netherlands). She published five articles in Scopus indexed journals based on her dissertation and more than 20 articles in national journals and international proceedings based on her research. Her research interests are in the areas of governance, sustainable agriculture, governmental policies, and sustainable tourism. Wijaya has been actively teaching Rural Sociology, Urban Sociology, and Sociology of Development in the Undergraduate Program at the Dept. Sociology and Anthropology. She also teaches Journal Review & Scientific Writing in the Postgraduate Program of Social Studies Education. Wijaya actively becomes a reviewer for many national journals and international journals (SAGE Open, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, and Journal of Environment and Development). At the moment, Wijaya is an academic staff at the Journal and Publication Center at the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UNNES.

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Dr. Eko Wijayanto S.H., M.Hum

Eko Wijayanto teaches Cultural Philosophy and Legal Philosophy Philosophy Study Program , Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. He has been a writer for Kompas daily since 2002, and for Tempo Daily. He has written 3 books; one of them is entitled 'Cultural Evolution' in 2010. One of his research was published in International Review of Humanities Studies (IRHS) journal, entitled The Role of Technology (Social Media) in Increasing The Awareness of Healthy Lifestyle and Srengthening Social Interactions: An Effort to Handle Covid-19 in The Micro Environment (http: //www.irhs.ui.

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Dr. Evi Gravitiani, SE, M.Si

Evi Gravitiani completed her master's degree in environmental economics from Environmental Science Program Gadjah Mada University in 2009. Currently, Evi is a senior lecturer in Department of Economics and Department of Environmental Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS). In addition, she is also active in Green Campus activities at UNS, Green Economy and Sustainable Development Research Group, and Environmental Research Center. Evi Gravitiani pursues research in the fields of environmental economics, health economics, water resource management, air pollution, climate change mitigation in coastal areas and ecotourism. Some of her most recent publications are about social-economic vulnerability and flood losses and agricultural insurance as a form of climate change risk adaptation. Other studies that have been conducted and published in several journals are about climate change mitigation scenarios in two major cities in Central Java, the willingness of tourists to pay for coastal abrasion mitigation, and vulnerability of people's lives in the north coast and the south coast of Java. Research on water resource management has been conducted in collaboration with Prof. Catherine Baron from Science-Po Toulouse, France. Some research and publications on the economy of public health include nitrate pollution in drinking water and cancer risk, green open space for public mental health, and exposure to e-coli bacteria in pregnant women due to well water pollution. Other data and information can be found on the personal website

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Dr. Evi Gusmayanti,S.Si., M.Si

Dr. Evi Gusmayanti,S.Si., M.Si is a lecturer in Universitas Tanjungpura for Agroclimatology, Statistics, Experimental Design, System Dynamics, Scientific Methods, and Agricultural Ecology in Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate Program of Environmental Science, Universitas Tanjungpura. She earned undergraduate and master’s degree from IPB University, and her Ph.D from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan. She focuses her researche on environmental aspects of tropical peatland, which is in line with the large extent of peatland distributed in West Kalimantan where Universitas Tanjungpura lies. The research is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, private sectors, or international institution through a collaboration scheme. Scientific articles of the research have been published in international and local journals. Some of the titles are about CO2 emission from drained tropical peatland with different land uses, post-fire peatland, and the relationship between peat properties and CO2 emission.

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Dr. Indra Kertati, M.Si

Indra Kertati is the head of the Center for Gender and Child Studies, University of 17 August 1945 Semarang. She writes papers on local government policies, regional budgeting planning documents, and regional action plans. Her background is State Administration. Indra Kertati is a lecturer of Regional Government Administration, Regional Autonomy, Bureaucratic Reform, Public Services, and Public Policy Implementation and Qualitative Research Methods at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of 17 August 1945 Semarang. She is an editor of the Semarang City RIPTEk Journal, Mimbar Akademi Scientific Magazine and Public Service and Governance Journal. Indra Kertati is a gender and environmental activist. She has worked with UNDP in handling green belt development in Tegal Brebes City, Pemalang Central Java, and Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. She has also developed sylvoviseries in Demak District with Mangrove for the Future, and community development in water resources management in Purworejo and Kebumen Regencies with the World Bank Her expertise in gender made her a resource person for Provinces, Districts and Cities in Indonesia in terms of Gender Responsive Budgeting Planning and various topics on gender perspectives. Indra Kertati is active as a gender facilitator at the national level, a member of scientific forums such as the Management of the Association of State Administration Scientists (ASiAN), the Gender Equality and Justice Forum, and is the Director of the Development Resources Research and Development Institute. Her thesis of good governance in poverty reduction was conducted in Pangkajene Regency, South Sulawesi Islands and Wonosobo Regency, Central Java.

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Dr. Ir. Jamila Mustabi, SPt, MSi, IPM

Jamila Mustabi is a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Department of Nutrition and Animal Feed, Hasanuddin University. As a lecturer, I have an obligation to execute the Tridharma of higher education, namely teaching, research and community service. She teaches several compulsory and elective subjects, most of them are in accordance with my area of ​​expertise of feed and animal waste processing technology. Most of the research activities are carried out in the field of processing waste to be used as animal feed, utilizing agro-industrial wastes as feed, utilizing livestock manure and livestock industry residues as fertilizer and biogas. Several studies were funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, University funds (BOPTN), and District Government and Provention in South Sulawesi. The research results are published in several reputable and non-reputable national and international journals. Moreover, several results were presented at national and international seminars. From 2013 to 2020, I wrote 7 documents recorded on Scopus with 7 citation, and on Google Scholar with 61 citation were recorded with H-index 4. I am the head of the Feed and Waste Valorization Laboratory at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Food, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University Hasanuddin. At Hasanuddin University, every laboratory carries out research that can be utilized by the community. Therefore the laboratory of feed and waste validation annually carries out community service activities, including processing livestock manure as compost, liquid fertilizer and biogas. One of the objectives of the research and service is to improve the welfare of the farmer community.

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Dr. Ir. Rudy Pramono, M.Si.

Rudy Pramono completed his doctoral program in Sociology from Universitas Indonesia. He is a lecturer in the Pelita Harapan Tourism Master School of Tourism study program, Master of Management, Master of Education, and Doctor of Management at Pelita Harapan University. Apart from being a lecturer, he is also a director at research center Pelita Harapan University. The areas of interest he likes to explore are: research methodology, spiritual capital and nano-sociology applied in developing entrepreneurial character, human resources, humanities, and tourism and social affairs. In addition to teaching, he also conducts research, publication, and community services in management, tourism, education and small businesses. Rudy Pramono also writes academic papers, and draft regional regulations in public policy and urban development

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Dr. Ir. Yunita Ismail, M.Si

Yunita Ismail is the Chairperson of Center for Environment and Sustainability – President University (CES-PU). She has 30 years experience in teaching, research and community development. Her research areas are environmental management, sustainable tourism, and solid waste management. She is the chief of editor of Journal of Environment Engineering and Waste Management. In the last two years, she is a member of tourism research team funded by Directorate of Higher Education Republic of Indonesia. She has published her papers in several international and national journals.

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Dr. Junianita Fridianova Sopamena, SP, Msi

I received my Doctoral Grant in 2017 from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to complete a Doctoral Program in Rural Sociology from Brawijaya University Malang. Then I returned to teach as a lecturer in the Agricultural Extension Study Program, Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University, Ambon. I teach subjects of: Rural Sociology, Gender and Development, and Food Security and Community Nutrition. I have conducted several studies related to Rural Sociology covering specific topics of “Gender, Women, Local Wisdom” which lead to the sustainability of household livelihoods in the facing climate change. The research was conducted from 2018 to 2020.I have published several articles including: “Gender Role in Small Island Community Households (Case Study of Teluk Ambon Baguala District, Ambon City)”; Small Island Community Household Livelihood Resilience (Case Study Wetar Island, MBD District)”; “Women's Contribution to Small Island Community Household Revenue (Case Study of Ambon Bay District, Ambon City)”; “Women and Onion Farming in Lakor Island, Southwest Maluku Regency”; “Livelihood Strategies and Adaptation Patterns to Rainfall Anomalies in Tomra Village, Leti District, Southwest Maluku Regency”. The aforementioned studies were carried out independently and in research groups in several small islands in Maluku Province, among others: Ambon Island, Lakor Island, and Letti Island. I also contribute to the publication of the Book on Ecofeminism - V (Pandemic Covid 19, Resilience and Regeneration of Capitalism) through the writing of Women on Small Islands in the Covid 19 Pandemic (Case in Maluku Province).

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Dr. Kholis Ernawati, S.Si., MKes

Dr. Kholis Ernawati, S.Si., MKes is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University, Jakarta. Her areas of expertise are environmental health, public health with subjects of climate change and its impact on health, Vector-Borne Disease (VDB) and VBD control program, environmental health, health behavior, etc. Kholis Ernawati has experience in research collaborations with various parties from other institutions. In addition, she serves as both chairman and member of nearly 15 grant schemes over the past five years, including the YARSI University internal grant scheme, Universita Indonesia research grants, and Ristekdikti flagship, Ristekdikti national consortium grants, and Ristekdikti applied for grants. The research results have been published in national, international proceedings, 22 national and international journals, 16 IPRs, and four modules/books in the last five years. She is also a reviewer of several national and international journals, namely YARSI medical journals, Majalah Saintekes, Aspirator Journal, Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, international journals of public health science (IJPHS), and Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST). Kholis Ernawati is also active in various scientific organizations, such as IESA, Purwaku, APIKI, IAKMI, HAKLI, and Kode Pena.

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Dr. Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi, S.Psi., M.Si

Since 2019, Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi is a lecturer in Psychology Study Program, Medical Faculty, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Shadiqi is the head of SnEBLab (Social and Environmental Behavior Lab) Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. In addition, he is a researcher for the Laboratory of Political Psychology, Universitas Indonesia and for Wetland Disease Centre (WDC) of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Shadiqi is the editor-in-chief of Jurnal Ecopsy (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat) covering environmental psychology studies and a managing editor of Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia (Universitas Indonesia). Shadiqi has Bachelor in Psychology from Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. In 2015, Shadiqi was awarded Fast-Track of Master and Doctoral Program (PMDSU or Program Magister menuju Doktoral untuk Sarjana Unggul) from Scholarship in the Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia (DIKTI). Shadiqi earned Magister and Doctoral in Psychology in 4,5 years in the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia. Shadiqi has research interests in social and political psychology, especially on collective action on social-environmental-political issues (petition, protest, demonstration), political ideology, political psychology, and environmental action.

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Dr. Muhammad Hasan, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Dr. Muhammad Hasan, S.Pd.,M.Pd is a permanent lecturer and researcher at Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Makassar. He obtained his degrees in Economics Education at Universitas Negeri Makassar. From 2020 to 2024, he served as the head of Economics Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Makassar. As an active researcher, Muhammad Hasan has produced more than 100 research articles published in various journals and proceedings on national and international scales. As a productive lecturer, he has also written tens of books, in the form of textbooks, reference books, and monograph books. In addition, he has dozens of intellectual property rights in the form of copyrights. Muhammad Hasan is an editor as well as a reviewer for dozens of national and international journals. His main research interests are in the fields of Economic Education, Economic Literacy, Informal Education, Knowledge Transfer, Business and Entrepreneurship. His dissertation is of Economic Literacy and Behavior, examined the transfer of knowledge in the perspective of informal economic education that occurred in family households of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. This study made his scientific background more diverse in a multi-paradigm perspective, especially in social paradigm. Muhammad Hasan is an active member in several professional and scientific organizations, national and international scales because he thitnks that collaboration is the key to success in an academic career.

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Dr. Muhammad Said, S. Sos. M.Si

Dr. Muhammad Said, S. Sos. M.Si holds his Ph.D in Public Administration from Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is a chairman and a lecturer at the Petta Baringeng Soppeng School of Social and Political Sciences, Indonesia. In addition to teaching, he is an active researcher and trainer. His research include: 1) The Dynamics of Social Network Structures and Contestation in the Collaborative Management of Lake Tempe in South Sulawesi. Policy & Governance Review, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 217-231, feb. 2019, 2) Anatomi Konflik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (2014) when he acted as one of the field team members of a research Center For Population And Policy Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada, The Implementation of Health Public Service Quality in Soppeng Ajjappange Hospital (2010), 3) Women and Politic Participation in General Election (2009), and 5) Power Asymmetry : The Paradox of Collaborative Management in Management of Tempe Lake, South Sulawesi (2021). Said actively manages seminars and joint trainings among universities in Indonesia, such as: Training on Collaborative Learning in Responsibility Natural Resource Management, Centre of Social Excellence (CSE) Indonesia (2017), and INDEF School of Political Economy (ISPE) Training, Institute for Development of Economics and Finance, INDEF (2019).

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Dr. Ni Kadek Surpi

Dr. Ni Kadek Surpi is a lecturer at Brahma Widya Faculty of the I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Hindu State University Denpasar Bali. She is a prolific writer, who has written more than 20 books in Religion, Philosophy, History, and Socio-culture and more than 20 articles published in various scientific journals. Her famous book, Membedah Kasus Konversi Agama di Bali, was published in 2011. The Vedanta dan Metode Pemahaman Filsafat Hindu, published in 2019, became a study material for Hindu philosophy in Indonesia. Since 2012, Surpi has been the head of the Hindu History research team in the Nusantara. She was assisted extensively by several experts and professors from India, Sri Lanka, and other countries who are members of the Kalinga-Indonesia Foundation to rewrite the entry and development of Vedic Civilization in the vast area of Nusantara. Surpi teaches Hindu philosophy courses (Nyaya, Vaisesika, Sankya), Philosophy of Science, History of Yoga, Veda, and Research Methods. She actively manages seminars, scientific journals, and joint research across universities. In 2018, she received research assistance funding between Hindu universities (Pekerti) with research on Prambanan Babon Theology Hindu Nusantara, produced some critical recommendations in the management of the temple. Surpi has a Master's degree in Hindu Philosophy and a PhD of Religion with a concentration in Hindu Philosophy. She studied ancient Hindu Vedic Hermeneutic and Ānvīkṣikī (Critical studies, research science, reasoning and debate in Hinduism). Surpi has high passion for encouraging Hindu writers to do better, advance the world of research and collaborate

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Dr. Nurul Listiyani, S.H., M.H.

Nurul Listiyani is a aecturer at the Faculty of Law, Kalimantan Islamic University Muhammad Arsyad AL Banjari Banjarmasin. Since 2012, her research has been on the topic of environmental and mining policies and were funded by the internal university grants and Ristekdikti grants. She also conducts collaborative research with government agencies and NGOs. Her thesis was of review and analysis of environmental policies. The research results were published in Sinta indexed national journals, and some reputable international journals and international journals. In addtion to being a researcher on environmental policy, she is also a Mediator for the Environment and Natural Resources certified by MA (, and a resource person in seminars on the theme of the environment and natural resources.

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Dr. Roni Alim Ba’diya Kusufa, M.Pd

Dr. Roni Alim Ba’diya Kusufa, M.Pd, lecturer in Geography Education, Faculty of Education, University of PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang. Aside from teaching Environmental Geography course, in the Postgraduate Program, he teaches and serves as a postgraduate Quality Control Group. He has published several articles including research in the field of Agricultural Land Suitability in Patchouli Cultivation, and has produced reference books on patchouli cultivation techniques in Kepanjen, Malang Regency. He gained his Doctoral degree from State University of Malang (UM) majoring in Geography Education with a thesis of mangrove conservation in the southern coast of Malang, East Java. He is currently conducting research of “Adaptation of Sendangbiru Coastal Communities during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period in the CMC Mangrove Conservation Area, Malang Regency”, funded by internal funds from the research and community service institutions PGRI Kanjuruhan University Malang.

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Dr. Sanudin, S.Hut. M.Si.

Sanudin has been a researcher since 2001 at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). He works at the Ciamis Agroforestry Technology Research and Development Center, KLHK with expertise in Sociology of Forestry Economics. In the last ten years, he has been focussing his research on the socio-economic aspects of agroforestry: agroforestry on dry land and agroforestry on peatlands with research locations in and outside Java. In 2012-2017, he attended doctoral courses on topics related to the contribution of social forestry to community income and regional development with case studies in Lampung Province. Some of the studies that he had carried out include: “Analysis of social forestry institutions and policies in North Sumatra” (2007-2011), “Study of agroforestry landscapes in the Citanduy watershed” (2012), “Application of agroforestry models of forest plants producing biofuel sources” (2017-2019), and “Study of paludiculture implementation and agroforestry in Kubu Raya District, West Kalimantan” (2017-2019). He has published his research in the last 5 years in accredited/not accredited national journals as well as in reputable global indexed scientific proceedings. Currently he is a member of the editorial board of the Indonesian Agroforestry Journal managed by the Ciamis Agroforestry Technology Research and Development Center, and the Wana Reksa Journal managed by the Faculty of Forestry, Kuningan University.

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Dr. Silvia Kristanti Tri Febriana, M.Psi., Psikolog

Silvia Kristanti Tri Febriana is a lecturer in the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University. She completed her study in the Doctor of Psychology program at Airlangga University with a BUDI-DN LPDP scholarship. She comes from Industrial and Organizational Psychology background with research interest in the study of counterproductive work behavior and cyberpsychology. In 2021, she received grants for some of her research, including the Compulsory Research Lecturer Program Grant (Program Dosen Wajib Meneliti/PDWM) for the PNBP Intermediate Research Cluster (Klaster Madya) of Lambung Mangkurat University and the 2021 Palm Oil Research Grant (Hibah Grant Riset Sawit 2021) (Presentation stage). One of her research is of “Cyber ​​Incivility Perpetrator: The Influenced Of Dissociative Anonymity, Invisibility, Asynchronicity, and Dissociative Imagination” has been published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1175 (Index Scopus Q3 / Web Of Science / ISI Thomson Reuters). Silvia hopes and is confident that through this 2021 Visiting Researcher Program – Batch 1 – National Scale – Research and Publication Collaboration, she will gain knowledge to increase her potential as a researcher and have the opportunity of collaborative research with researchers from various scientific disciplines in Indonesia.

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Dr. Sri Jumiyati, S.P., M.Si., IPM., Asean Eng

Sri Jumiyati is a lecturer/researcher at the Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Palu. Sri Jumiyati is a permanent lecturer at the Agribusiness Study Program for Natural Resource Economics, Agriculture and Regional Development and Agricultural Community courses. She also teaches Regional Planning and Development course at the Forestry Study Program. Sri Jumiyati actively participates in seminars, conferences and workshops both nationally and internationally as a presenter with study materials mostly related to the topics of socio-economic and agricultural environment that have been published in Scopus indexed proceedings. Sri Jumiyati is also involved in several social, professional, and scientific organizations as a member and administrator, including Aisyiyah Wilayah as Secretary of the Environment and Disaster Management Institute (LLHPB), Treasurer of PERHEPI (Indonesian Agricultural Economic Association, member of APIKI (Association of Indonesian Climate Change and Forestry Experts) ), AAI (Indonesian Agribusiness Association), PII (Indonesian Engineers Association) and Built Environment Researchers. She also a member of the Agricultural Extension Commission of Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. In 2019, as Team Leader for the Building Universities in Leading Disaster Resilience (BUILD), she represented the University of Muhammadiyah Palu together with several universities in Indonesia and Europe through an international funding scheme (Erasmus).She has basic knowledge in the field of Agriculture that it is broadly related to regional planning and development that also focuses on social, economic and environmental aspects of forestry. She hopes to be able to conduct research and publications on various topics and scientific backgrounds through good collaboration.

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Dr. Suci Megawati, M,Si

Suci Megawati is a faculty member and lecturer in the Undergraduate Program of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. She has taught education management policy, policy formulation, and policy implementation. Her research interests include public policy, government collaboration, and public sector innovation. She is one of the Editorial Team in the Journal of Public Sector Innovations published by the Department of Public Administration, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. She has a master of science degree in development administration and Ph.D. in Public Administration from Universitas Hasanuddin. Her doctoral thesis is about educational policy and innovation in Indonesia. She is also interested in environmental policy studies with a focus on social paradigms. She aims to advancing research through good and mutual collaboration.

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Dr. Tien Wahyuni

Tien Wahyuni has been a researcher in the Social, Economic and Policy of Forestry at the Center for Research on the Development of Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems (B2P2EHD-Samarinda) of Research, Development and Innovation Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indoensia. Her research areas include forest resource management by local communities, conflict resolution in the use of forest resources, social and economics of forest resources, and climate change and stakeholder partnerships in landscape management. Wahyuni has written 30 articles and scientific papers. She has been receiving partnership grants for community development since 2020. Wahyuni is a member of the editorial board for several journals within the Research, Development and Innovation Agency and a reviewer for several national journals. Wahyuni has a BA and Master of Forestry before earned her doctorate in Social and Behavioral Sciences from Leiden University, Netherlands. Her thesis was of traditional forest management by local people to protect and conserve a cultural keystone tree species. Her background complements her research in environmental science with focus in the social paradigm.

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Dr., Eng., Mohamad Ferdaus Noor Aulady, M.T., M.Sc

Mohamad Ferdaus Noor Aulady is the head of department of the Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya (ITATS). In 2014 Aulady graduated from double degree master program between Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan. In 2016, Aulady was promoted as an assistant professor in ITATS. In 2017, he started his doctoral program in Kumamoto University and he graduated in 2020. Aulady’s area of research is in Disaster management area. His current topic research is of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Measure Based on Behavioral Economic. To date, he has published more than 5 articles on this topic. One of his research about Mitigation Measure Based on Behavioral Economic in poor community area has been accepted in ASCE Natural Hazard Review. Aulady is an active reviewer in international and local journals, and in international and local conferences. In 2020, Aulady was invited as a keynote speaker in an online seminar about disaster disk management in sustainable construction. Earlier this year, he was invited to be a keynote speaker in a national local conference and online seminars on how to get scholarship in Japan. Aulady has also attended several local and international online seminars.

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Dr.Sc. Basri, SKM., M.Kes

With my last education in the Ph.D program at Ehime University, Japan, I focused on research in the field of Environmental Science, especially on environmental toxicology and environmental epidemiology. So far I have published four papers in international journals (Q3-Q2), indexed SCOPUS and Web of Science (WOS), in addition to several publications indexed on Google Scholar.I have completed several studies in the field of Adolescent Health affiliated with RISTEKDIKTI (SIMLITABMAS scheme), international environmental research under the funding of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan, and Research on Infectious Diseases in Collaboration with BAPPEDA Soppeng District. I also have conducted scientific presentations at the International Conference at approximately eight locations spread over several locations: Makassar City, Bandung City, Gorontalo District, Kochi Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, and Iwate Prefecture. Currently, I am a regular reviewer for several reputable international journals; (1) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF: 2.849), and (2) Toxics (IF: 3.271).

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Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Ph. D

Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Ph. D is a senior lecturer in Communication Program, Faculty of Economy and Social Science, Universitas Bakrie Jakarta. She teaches a variety of basic subjects such as Communication Theories, Philosophy of Communication, and Social Research Methods. She she also handles Pusat Studi Geopark Universitas Bakrie. She is actively conducting research with funding from DIKTI and internal grants, with a focus on the fields of environmental communication, place branding, and tourism. Her research in last five years include: Rebranding Destinasi Wilayah Terdampak Bencana: Implementasi Mitigasi Bencana dalam Kebijakan Pariwisata Pemerintah Daerah (Rebranding Destinations in Disaster-Affected Areas: Implementation of Disaster Mitigation in Local Government Tourism Policies); Komunikasi Lingkungan: Strategi Menyampaikan Keberlanjutan; Pengembangan Geowisata di Cianjur: Tinjauan Stabilitas Lereng Situs Gunung Padang untuk Branding Destinasi; Model Peningkatan Performa Rumah Susun Berbasis Faktor Keselamatan dan Kesehatan; Pembentukan Strategi City Branding dengan Memanfaatkan Potensi Ekowisata (studi di Kabupaten Pinrang, Sulawesi Selatan), Analisis Media Online Monitoring pada Destinasi Wisata Ciletuh Geopark dan Pongkor Geopark di Jawa Barat, Peran Industri Kreatif dalam Pembentukan City Branding (studi kasus Dieng Culture Festival 2018); Integrasi Potensi Wisata sebagai City Branding Cirebon. Earned Ph.D from School of Communication Universiti Sains Malaysia majoring in Environmental Communication, her thesis is about Environmental Journalism Practice in Indonesia and Malaysia. She holds a bachelor degree in History and a master degree in communication from Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung.

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Fabiola Baby Saroinsong, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D

Fabiola Baby Saroinsong, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D is a lecturer in Forestry Science Study Program - Faculty of Agriculture - Sam Ratulangi University

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Freddy Pattiselanno, Ph.D

Freddy Pattiselanno is the head of Animal Production Laboratory and Associtae Pofessor at the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Papua. Freddy is a scientist in animal science and wildlife research group in Universitas Papua. He has received grants from Nagao Natural Environment Foundation, Seed Fund and Research Training (SFRT – SEARCA), Rufford and Skyrail Foundation to support his research in wildlife biodiversity in Papua. He is actively writing in Jakarta Post, and some other local newspaper. Most of his papers are based on his research in animal science and wildlife are also published in national journals – Hayati, Biodiversitas, Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, Nusantara Bioscience and international journals – Journal of Ethnobiology, Asia Life Sciences, Traffic Bulletin. As a member of Wild Pig Specialist Group – WPSG IUCN, Freddy also contributes to the information that is regularly published in Suiform Soundings Newsletter. In addition, Freddy is involved as a member of Australasian Marsupial and Monotreme – IUCN and has written a book chapter about Tree Kangaroo in Indonesia New Guinea. Freddy is currently a board editor in Nusantara Bioscience Journal and Editor in Chief in Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan and Veteriner Tropis (JIPVET). His area of expertise is mostly in Papua with record of eminence collaboration in working nationally and internationally such WWF, CI, WCS, Econusa, University of College London, Wageningen University, University of British Columbia, and College of Marine and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Cairns. Freddy received his bachelor degree from Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Sam Ratulangi, and master’s degree from the Institute of Animal Science (IAS) the University of Los Baños the Philippines. He was awarded the Australia Awards Scholarships – AAS to pursue his PhD at the College of Science and Engineering James Cook University, Cairns. His research on wildlife hunting has been a contribution the knowledge of local livelihood and impact on the biodiversity along the Bird’s Head Peninsula of West Papua, Indonesia New Guinea.

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Iwan Juwana, Ph.D

Iwan Juwana graduated from the Environmental Engineering of Insitutut Teknologi Bandung in 2000, then continued his study at the School of Environmental Studies, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) from 2003 to 2004. After obtaining his Master of Environmental Management from UNSW, Iwan pursued his Diplome of Environmental Management from Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands. Here, he gained experiences on environmental issues with professionals from around the world. In 2012, Iwan completed his formal education from Victoria University, Australia, to obtain his doctoral degree. Iwan has published some papers in reputable national and international journals, some of which are Rekayasa Hijau (S5), Reka Lingkungan (S3), Journal of Civil and Engineering Forum (S2), Ecological Indicators (Q1), Science of the Total Environment (Q1), as well as Water & Science Technology (Q2).

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Karel Karsten Himawan, Ph.D., Psikolog

Karel completed his Ph.D in Social-Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Queensland. His research focuses on the interpersonal relationship issues, particularly on how marriage and marital status affects individual's well-being with respect to religious and sociocultural perspectives. He approaches the phenomena using psychological, sociological, and anthropological perspectives by outlining the perceived stigma and psychological dynamics of individuals who never married in relation to the issues of feminism, gender role, sexuality, quality of life, and religious belief and practice. Karel received award from the Indonesian Endowment Funds for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan - LPDP) for his doctorate study. Karel is a faculty member in the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia and a lecturer for Masters of Mental Health, the University of Queensland, Australia. He also serves as an Editor in Chief of Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology, a nationally accredited, peer-reviewed journal, and an editorial board member of Mental Health, Religion, and Culture. Besides his academic career, Karel is also a licensed clinical psychologist specialising in relationship issues and life adjustment, who practices at Experiencing Life Foundation, Tangerang.

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Prof. Dr. Atie Rachmiatie, M.Si

Atie Rachmiatie is the professor in Communication Science from Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDIKTI Region IV Provincies West Java and Banten), Faculty of Communication Studies at the Islamic University of Bandung. She has conducted 62 research titles and around 100 dissemination of scientific ideas in various publications, conferences or seminars and other scientific forums, and produced several dozen books both individually and as book chapter authors Rachmiatie has been a lecturer various courses in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs at UNISBA, UPI, UIN, STIKES: philosophy and communication ethics, communication law and policy, dynamics of media and society, health communication, communication research methods, current issue in journalism, and so on, and also as a supervisor for students. Her thesis was of community broadcasting media and journalism and public information disclosure. Rachmiatie is a member of editorial board and bestari partner in several accredited national journals and a certified National Research Reviewer 2018 & HR Quantum International wherein she reviews articles from the Heliyon Journal (Elsevier). In building collaborations, networks and strengthening the communication profession, Atie Rachmiatie is also active as the Board of Experts for the Indonesian Communication Higher Education Association and Chair of the Indonesian Communication Scholars Association (ISKI) in West Java from 2019-2022 as well as a Peer Reviewer for prospective Communication Science professors. Her educational background from Unpad is linear to the fields of media, journalism and communication. She served as a commissioner (Member & Chair) at the West Java Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) 2004 – 2012, and as Chairperson of the UNISBA Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM.

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Prof. Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti, MSc.ES. PhD

Let me introduce myself. My name is Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti. I graduated with BSc in Biology from Universitas Padjajaran, MSc in Environmental Sanitation from Ghent University, and a PhD in PhD in Ecotoxicology from University Technology of Sydney. I have been a researcher since 2001 after I completed my PhD. Alhamdulillah my research theme is of assessment of water pollution, Ecotoxicology, and environmental sustainable development in local wisdom and ecotourism. Every year, I receive various research grants from DIKTI and UPI. My research results are presented in national and international conferences. I also write articles in few national and international journals. I have also written some books as teaching materials for my students, namely Pesona Lingkungan Badan Air, Toksikologi Lingkungan dan Metode Uji Hayati, and Guide book of Algae in Situ Bagendit. I am a lecturer for Limnology, Bioethical, Ecotoxicology, Ecology-Environment, Research and Methodology, and English Academic Writing in the Departement of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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Bhayu Rhama, S.T., MBA., Ph.D (University of Palangka Raya)

Bhayu Rhama works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political in University of Palangka Raya with the position of Lector or Assistant Professor in ecotourism policy. Bhayu Rhama's research on tourism began in 2010 and his first publication was an article titled 'Public Policy for Ecotourism in Central Kalimantan' published in the Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Pemerintahan (JISPAR) in 2012. Several international recognition articles by Bhayu were written after completing his doctoral study funded by a scholarship from BPPLN Dikti in 2013 on ecotourism policy and produced a thesis titled 'The implications of the values and behaviours of actors for ecotourism policy: A case study of Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia'. The article was published by the University of Central Lancashire in 2017. His thesis also contributed to the advancement of tourism in Sebangau National Park. Bhayu has also worked with several researchers such as researchers from Airlangga University and Gadjah Mada University to conduct a study and produce reputable international publications. Bhayu continues to actively conduct research in the field of tourism and consistently writes scientific works in either SINTA indexed journals or international journals. His latest study is 'The halal tourism – alternative or mass tourism? Indications of traditional mass tourism on crescent rating guidelines on halal tourism' which has been published in the Journal of Islamic Marketing (Emerald) in 2021.

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Dr. I Made Wahyu Wijaya, ST

I Made Wahyu Wijaya finished his doctoral degree in environmental engineering in 2019. His doctoral research was about biological nitrogen removal in domestic wastewater treatment by using anammox process. He conducted the research in the laboratory of hydrobiology and ecology at the University of Porto, Portugal under Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and PMDSU Scholarship. His research concentrates in wastewater management and integrated solid waste management, including community empowerment in applying circular economic model. He has experiences in community empowerment in supporting waste recycling and some collaboration works with various fields. He is also the founder of Bali Recycle Up, an impact start-up working on waste recycling. He is also the Chairman of Global Research Network, a global collaborator community.

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Dr. Boge Triatmanto, SE., MM.

Boge Triatmanto is the Head of the Research Center, LPPM Merdeka University Malang. He has written more than 50 articles documented on Google Scholar, Scopus, and Publon. Since 2008, he has conducted many research and received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology in his roles are chairperson and research member. As a lecturer at Faculty of Economics, University of Merdeka Malang, and several other private universities in Malang, he teaches marketing management, organizational theory, and other management fields but focuses on Human Resource Management. Since 2002, he is active in community empowerment in which he acts as a national guide in the activities of the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM Urban) and expert for Regional Government especially in the field of community empowerment and poverty reduction. Triatmanto disseminates his community empowerment research in national and international seminars. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economics and a master’s degree in Management with a concentration in Human Resource Management before earning a doctorate in Management Science. His dissertation is about Human Resource empowerment, organizational change, and organizational resilience. His background which focuses on human and community development, makes him consistent in staying on the path of community development. He aims to advance and empower people to be more independent.

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Dr. Danang Eko Nuryanto, S.Si., M.Si

Danang Eko Nuryanto is a researcher for the Center for Research and Development in the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). Having worked for over 14 years, Nuryanto is responsible for researching weather and climate phenomena. The tasks are to develop tools, products, or prototypes of services to be used by the operational side in BMKG. Nuryanto actively manages an international collaboration with, among others, Europe, USA, Japan in the 2nd International Conference on Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (ICTMAS). Nuryanto has a BA and MA in Mathematics and Earth Sciences before earned his doctorate degree in Applied Climatology. His thesis was of the meteorological aspect of the Great Jakarta flooding. His background complements his research in applied climatology with a focus on numerical modeling. He aims to improve research through good collaboration to support the research and development activities which will eventually be disseminated to the operational side at BMKG.

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Dr. Eng. Putu Edi Yastika, S.Si., M.Eng., M.Si.

Putu Edi Yastika ( received his bachelor’s degree in physics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, in 2012. From 2013 to 2015, he enrolled in the postgraduate double degree program in Udayana University and Yamaguchi University, Japan, during which time he received his M.Sc. and M.Eng. degrees in environmental remote sensing in 2015. In 2019, he received his doctorate from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Yamaguchi University, and continued as a postdoctoral fellow until 2020. In 2019, he was awarded the best paper Award at the Young Scholar’s Symposium on Rock Mechanics for his paper on applications of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (SARIF) in geotechnical engineering. His research interests include satellite remote sensing, particularly SAR image processing and its applications for the environmental related issues and disaster mitigation. One of his research is long-term land subsidence in Semarang using SAR sattelite remote sensing. Currently, Putu Edi Yastika is a lecturer at Universitas Maharasawati Denpasar and head of the Master Program of Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management.

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Dr. Imam Sukwatus Suja’i, M.Si.

Dr. Imam Sukwatus Suja’i, M.Si is the director of Postgraduate Program Universitas Bhinneka PGRI and a lecturer at Social Science Education Master Program in Universitas Bhinneka PGRI. He also taught Development Economics, Philosophy of Social Sciences, Indonesia and the World in Modern History. He is a productive researcher. In 2016, he published a research article on social capital in Islamic boarding school in Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi. In 2017, he published a research in Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi concerning the effect of learning readiness and the use of learning resources on the learning achievement of Class XI (Social Science Education major) 1st semester IPS SMA PGRI Kalangbret. A year later, he published an article in Jurnal Teori dan Praksis Pembelajaran IPS concerning the influence of talking stick model on Social Sciences Education learning outcomes. In 2019, he published 5 research articles. One of them was published in the European Journal of Education Studies tittled Student Learning Interaction in Constructing the Understanding of Concept in Cooperative Learning. Two of them were pubslihed in Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial and MaPan Journal. Imam Sukwatus Suja’i has a master’s and doctoral degree in Economy. His master’s thesis was about Market Development, Banks and Bookstores as Efforts to Empower Islamic Boarding Schools and the Surrounding Communities. His doctoral thesis was of the Economic Capacity Analysis of Islamic Boarding Schools. These support his research in the field of smart communities and social capital with a focus on social capital analysis.

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Dr.Ir. Eko Noerhayati, M.T.

Eko Noerhayati is the head of University of Islam Malang (Unisma) Research Center. She has written over 30 article, received 10 research grants for research in water resources engineering from the Directorate of Higher Education, and 6 grants from the regional government and the Ministry of Social Affairs. Eko Noerhayati teaches engineering mathematics, hydraulics, hydrology, water resources development, engineering economics and drainage, and irrigation. She is also is a reviewer for national and international seminars. Her bachelor’s and master’s degrees are in Irrigation and her doctorate degree is Water Resources Agriculture. Her thesis concentrated in the characteristics and management of watersheds related to the environment and society. Eko Noerhayati supports an active role in research through good collaboration.

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Dr.Ir.I Ketut Sumantra, MP

Sumantra is a lecturer at the Master's Program in Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management (MP2WL), Postgraduate Program, Mahasaraswati University (Unmas) in Denpasar. Teaches the course of Village Development and Culture-Based Development Planning courses. The two subjects that are cared for are more focused on community empowerment according to local Balinese. Also takes care of Natural Resources and Environmental Management courses and Research Methods at MP2WL Unmas. Active in conducting research activities funded by DRPM-Dikti as well as funding from provincial and district level governments. In addition to conducting research, he is also active in multi-year community service activities with funding sources from Ristek-Brin since 2015 until now. For three years (2020-2022), Sumantra poured the results of his research into the activities of PPDM, Integration of Agriculture and Tourism in supporting the Development of Tourism Villages in Bali. Since 2017-2021, Sumantra is not only active in writing articles but also actively provides input in the development of Badung Regency in his capacity as a member of the Kelitbangan Team of Badung Regency. He is active as an administrator and member of several professional organizations such as Peragi, IATPI and HKTI, and Perhorti.

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Dr. Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly, S.Pt., M.Si. (Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya)

Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly is a lecturer of Animal Product Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya. The Animal Product Technology is a subdivision of the Leather and Byproducts laboratory. The laboratory pays interest to the environment related to the use of livestock by-products and livestock product processing industry so that have high added value and do not pollute the environment. Research conducted over the last 5 years have shown that the use of beef offal and chicken heads as protein concentrates and bioactive peptides can support the ingredients in the development of functional food. I am also involved in halal activities with research on non-halal meat detection with conventional PCR and real time-PCR, as well as consumer behavior towards halal products. Both research topics are useful in the development of halal tourism for example in tourist villages or other tourist sites in general that are sustainable through empowering actors in tourism sector. In addition, I also have experience in community empowerment in poverty alleviation programs. I am involved in the Feminization of Poverty Program which focuses on empowering the less fortunante females.

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Euis Nurul Hidayah, ST, MT, Ph.D

Euis Nurul Hidayah has a track record as a researcher in physical, chemical, and biological treatment of wastewater to produce clean water that meet water quality standards. The research started in 2005 and in 2011 she developed a reseach roadmap on clean water and wastewater treatment that led to the characterization of organic matters in raw water and wastewater before and after treatment, and the effect on formation of carcinogenic compounds in treated water. She received local scale research grant through internal funding from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, national scale research grant through external funding from Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) of the Ministry of Research and Technology (2013-2020), and international scale research grants through funding from the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) the Government of India in ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship scheme (tahun 2019), and Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) Japan in Kurita Overseas Research Grant scheme (tahun 2020). Euis has experience in research and publication collaborations with international partners (Tajen University, Taiwan; Department of Research and Innovation Ministry Education of Myanmar; University of Delhi, India) in research topics of of bioNET technology, microalgae and artificial wetlands. In addition, she has experience in training and research development in water and wastewater treatment at National Cheng Kung University (Tahun 2017); Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Acdemy of Science (RCEES-CAS) (Tahun 2018); and School of Environmental Science Laboratory, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Tahun 2019). In conclusion, Euis is a competent researcher.

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Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Widnyana, M.Si (Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar)

I Ketut Widnyana is a professor of Plant Disease Science currently assigned to the Masters Study Program in Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management, Postgraduate Program, Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar. In addition, he also teaches at the Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture in the same university. He has experience in managing the Institute for Research and Community Empowerment as a secretary and chairman for 12 years. At national level, he is an active reviewer for Dikti Community Service Reviewer and LLdikti8 Research. He also serves as editor and reviewer in several national journals especially community empowerment journals. He has been an active researcher since 2007 in the field of agriculture, especially the use of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteri (PGPR) microorganisms as Induce Systemic resistance (ISR), and plant disease biological control microorganisms; and in the use of organic waste as liquid organic fertilizer and solids, and the use of local microorganisms as decomposers of organic waste for these last 5 years. Moreover, I Ketut Widnyana likes to write books based on research results in the field of organic agriculture. For more than 10 years, he has been implementing his research results to fulfill the community needs in community empowerment activities in various regions in Indonesia because he was a consultant for PT Pertamina (Persero) in the Pertamina Village Development Partnership Program (MP3D), and he is a reviewer of Higher Education/Research and Technology community service activities.

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Prof. Dr. Suciati, M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. Suciati, M.Pd. has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology education, and a Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Science Education Study Program from the Indonesian Education University (UPI) Bandung. She holds a Civil servant status with a functional position as Professor of Gol. Ivd. She is a lecturer at department of Biology Education and Science Education for Undergraduate and Graduate Program - Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta with expertise in Science Education. In her 44 years of career, she practices the Tridharma of Higher Education activities. She conducts research both independently and with grants from BOPTN Fund for Postgraduate Grants for UNS (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021); Grants STRANAS (2014, 2017); and PKPT Kemenristek Dikti (2018). She also receives grants in community service from PNBP Fund (2013, 2014, 2015, 2019) and Dikti Fund (2016). She has written many articles in various reputable National and International Journals, including: Accredited International Journals with Scopus Indexed Q4, IOP, Q3. Moreover, she is a reviewer for international & national Journals (IJI, AERJ, IJER, JERR, JIPI, JPII, JSE, JSEI, JSE, PSEJ, Biology Didaktika, Bioeducation, Inquiry) and Chief Editor of the Central Java PPII Journal (Sains Edukatika Indonesia). She guides research in science and biology education especially in environmental insight and local wisdom in public schools and Adiwiyata schools. She is involved in writing of various modules, textbooks, media, and assessments in environmental education. Suciati is a resource person in various National and International seminars at various universities at home and abroad.

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Aah Ahmad Almulqu, S.Hut., M.Si., Ph.D

Aah Ahmad Almulqu, S.Hut., M.Si., Ph.D has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Forestry, Kupang State Polytechnic of Agricultural, East Nusa Tenggara, since December 2009. He completed his master studies in forestry science at Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia) in 2008. Later, he received his doctoral degree (2019) in natural resources and environment from Naresuan University (Thailand). During his professional experience, Almulqu had developed a deep interest in biomass and tree carbon stock, ecosystems dynamics, tree species diversity and distribution patterns. He has done research on the biomass and carbon stock of tree species, analysis of carbon dynamics, diversity and composition of tree species-communities in dry forest of East Nusa Tenggara and most recently, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in mangrove areas of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. He obtained several honors such as the Young Scientists Award of UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB), Indonesia Marine Fellowship Program from Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF). He serves as editor and reviewer for more than 10 national and international scientific journals.

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Aryo Danusiri, PhD

Aryo Danusiri, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Indonesia. An affiliate of the Sensory Ethnography Lab, he holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology with Critical Media Practice from Harvard. His research works have been exploring the circulations of new signs of violence, resistance, and memory in reconfiguring the political and social landscape of post-authoritarian Indonesian 1998. His article on the contemporary Islamic movement in Jakarta has been widely cited in the emerging interest in urban religion in the Global South. His artistic works have premiered at various prestigious festivals, including Rotterdam, Amnesty Amsterdam, and Yamagata's 'New Asia Current.' His first feature-length documentary, Playing Between Elephants, was awarded 'Movies That Matters for Best Human Rights Film' at Jakarta International Film Festival 2007 and 'Best Documentary' at Brussels Independent IFF.

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Dr. Emi Roslinda, SHut MSi

Emi Roslinda is a lecturer at the Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University teaches Social Forestry, Natural Resources and Forest Assessment, Forest Resources and Institutions, and Ethno forestry courses. She actively conducts various research with her main focus is on study on the socio-economic field of forestry that are funded from various governmental and non-governmental research grants. She also conducts Community Service activities targeting village communities around the forest. She has written dozens of articles published in various national and international scientific journals. Moreover, she participates in various seminars and scientific meetings both at home and abroad. Roslinda is a reviewer for several national and international journals, and a member as well as an administrator of a professional association. Last but not least Emi Roslinda is an active consultant/expert in various forestry research and development activities.

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Dr. Eng. M Candra Nugraha Deni, S.T.

He completed his Bachelor of Environmental Engineering education at the Environmental Engineering Department, ITB in 1999, and then worked at PT Kaltim Prima Coal from 2000 to 2006. He took a break from work in 2006 – 2009 to join the Doctor of Engineering scholarship program in the field of Earth Resources Engineering, as well as participated in the Global Center of Excellence – Novel Carbon Resource Sciences program, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan in 2008 – 2009. After completing the program, he returned to work at PT Kaltim Prima Coal until 2012 with his last position as Environmental Department Manager. He continued his career in mining environmental management at PT Agincourt Resources as Environmental Manager Department until 2019. This work experience provided a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of environmental risk analysis, environmental management systems, hazardous waste management, mine water management, acidic rock and water management, mined land rehabilitation, and mine closure. Apart from working, he also wrote around 40 articles, papers, journals which were presented/published at various events in Indonesia and abroad. From this work experience, he has also published a book entitled 'Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pertambangan' ( Mining Environmental Management) in 2019, which contains 22 chapters on management and technical management of environmental aspects of mineral and coal mining activities. He was also actively involved as editor of a book entitled “Aksi Hijau Di Lingkar Tambang – Keberlanjutan Lingkungan Untuk Masa Depan” which was published by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2000.

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Dr. Intan Rahmawati., S.Psi., M.Si

Intan Rahmawati joined the Psychology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Brawijaya University since 2008. She completed her bachelor program at the Faculty of Psychology, State Islamic University of Malang and completed her master’s and doctoral degrees at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. She is interested in social, environmental and disaster psychological studies and she likes to cultivate skills in qualitative research. A book titled Understanding Qualitative Research Methods in 2018 was her first step in writing. She also contributed to the anthology of Disaster Review Variety (2020) and she poured out her ideas in the third book of Environmental Psychology in Applied which will be published in 2021. She can be reached via email at

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Dr. Nicholas Simarmata, S.Psi., M.A.

Nicholas Simarmata is a lecturer at the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University since 2010. Some of the courses he has been taught are Social Psychology, Career Guidance, Industrial Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Research Proposals, Organizational Behavior, Quantitative Research Method, Statistics, Job analysis, General Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Tourism Behavior, Psychology Service, Psychology in Nursing, Character Building, Health Psychology, Industrial Relations, and Consumer Psychology. Nicholas is very interested in the world of research which can be seen in his 40 publications, both national and international, conducted between 2012 until 2019. In 2019, Nicholas received an award as the best paper at the International Conference on Advances Social Sciences and Community Development at the Sekolah Tinggi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa APMD Yogyakarta. He has written a chapter in Bunga Rampai or anthology book about Positive Psychology. Most of Nicholas' research themes revolve around Organizational Psychology which are conducted in quantitative and qualitative methods. But some are concerning Cultural Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Positive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Clinical Psychology. Nicholas is also a reviewer for the Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat and Jurnal Psikologi Udayana. Nicholas has S.Psi degree in Psychology, MA degree in Organizational Industrial Psychology and Doctorate degree in Organizational Social Psychology. His thesis and dissertation theme is about employee work behavior.

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Dr. Rully Novie Wurarah

Rully Novie Wurarah is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business of University of Papua as part of the Study Program in Development Economics. For the last ten years, Rully Novie Wurarah has been heavily involved in research and assessment in producing academic manuscripts for local governments and the ministry of finance and Bappenas related to planning documents, articles and policy briefs. Articles authored since 2018 have reached ten manuscripts. He is a researcher as well as a lecturer in econometric, research methodology, the economics of regional development, space and environment, economics and valuation of natural resources. He also writes book chapters related to the economy and independently of the village. Moreover, he also writes books regarding institutional credit banks and scientific papers on regional development economics. Rully Novie Wurarah is active in managing journals at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Papua. He has a bachelor's degree in Socio-Economic Agriculture and Magister in The Science of Regional and Rural Development Planning, focusing on Regional Economics, before earning a doctorate in Economics. These experiences have complemented research in developmental economics, focusing on natural resource and environmental management. Through research collaboration with various government and private institutions, Rully Novie Wurarah is ready to advance research and writing through good cooperation to promote institutions and nations and countries.

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Dr. Titi Antin, S.Sos.,M.Si.

Titi Antin is a lecturer at the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication at UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Her bachelor’s and master’s degrees are from Communication Studies, and her doctorate degree is from Extension and Development Communication. Being a lecturer drives her to always study and up-dates her knowledge through Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi or Three Pillars of Higher Education activities, namely education, teaching, and community service. She teaches Introduction to Communication Studies, Introduction to Public Relations, and other communication courses such as Communication Research Methodology and Communication Planning. She actively participates in research and community services related to waste as one of environmental issues. Moreover, she participated in community empowerment assistance activities through science and technology service forums.

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Dr. Willy Tri Hardianto, S.Sos., MM., M.AP

Willy Tri Hardiyanto is an academic from Tribuwana Tunggadewi University, Malang. He is a lecturer in the Public Administration study program and currently serves as Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Malang. He graduated from the Doctoral program in 2018 with a dissertation topic of Batu City Tourism Development associated with Public Services, especially those related to licensing and investment issues. In the professional organization that he is currently in, he is also a member of the IAPA (Indonesian Association for Public Administration) as the regional administrator of the East Java DPD. Most of his research topics are concerning public management, good governance, community empowerment, and tourism. Willy Tri Hardiyanto has written and published several journals, including the Public Service Model In Building Good Governance Culture Of Local Government Integrated With New Public Services (NPS), Pentahelix Synergy On Tourism Development in Batu East Java, and Determinants of small business competitiveness in Indonesia: studies in Center of Tempeh Industry in Malang City. He has also published his own book entitled Bureaucratic Reform and Good Governance

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Ir. Ign. Pramana Yuda, MSi, PhD

Ign. Pramana Yuda is the head Lecturer at Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta (UAJY), teaching in the Biology Study Program, Faculty of Technobiology since 1994. Graduated with a PhD from James Cook University, Australia (2009), a master’s degree in Environmental and Natural Resources Management, IPB (1994) and a Bachelor of Forestry, UGM ( 1988). His areas of interest/studies are Molecular Ecology, Wildlife Ecology, Conservation Biology and Citizen Science. He has conducted studies of endangered species, especially birds, with various approaches and methods. In conducting research, he started as a field ecologist, but now he uses a molecular approach more and begins to combine it with an ecoacoustic approach. He has written books entitled: Bio-ekologi Gelatik Jawa (Bio-ecology of Javan Wren), and List of Bird Species in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Moreover, he also has written several books and scientific articles published in national and international journals, some of which are Biological Conservation, People and Nature, Evolutionary Applications, Scientific Reports, F1000Research, and Biodiversity. He is an editor and a reviewer of several scientific journals such as Kukila, and Forktail. Ign. Pramana Yuda is the president of the Indonesian Ornithologist' Union and Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Biodiversity Index Committee (IBI), and a member of the IUCN SSC Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group and Society of Conservation Biology. Yuda is also a contributor and an editor of a book “Atlas Burung Indonesia” (Atlas of Indonesian Birds). In UAJY, he is currently the head of the Bio-environmental Techno Laboratory.

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Dr. Asep Yudi Permana, M.Ds.

Asep Yudi Permana, or Kang Yudi as his his colleagues call him, is a lecturer at the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education (FPTK), Indonesian Education University/Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, Indonesia since 1996. He obtained his Doctorate from Architecture and Urban Engineering, Faculty of Engineering , Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang, Indonesia in 2014. Currently, Yudi is the head of Architecture Master Program, FPTK UPI, a member of the Quality Assurance Unit of UPI, and an assessor of BAN-PT for the Architecture and Interior Design study program since 2003. In addition, he also manages Arsitektur Zonasi journal and Journal of Architectural Research and Education as editor in Chief. In addition to attending formal education, Yudi also attended short trainings, including: Certification of competency test assessment development for Professional Certification Institutions (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) in 2018, Certification of Research and Community Service Reviewer (PkM) from DP2M Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education in 2019, Certification of Quantitative and Qualitative Researcher 2020, and Geotechnical Training for building failure analysis of foundation construction cases in 2020. Asep Yudi Permana’s research expertise in architectural, interior, and urban design is in line with his educational background. He focuses his research after completing his doctoral program on the development of space design both micro and macro in urban areas with studies of smart communities, social capital, cultural ecology, city tourism, community empowerment in urban areas, slums and squatter areas, and thematic villages. These research results are published in reputable international journals and accredited national journals.

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Dr. Ir. Jajat Sudrajat, M.Si.

Dr. Ir. Jajat Sudrajat, M.Si. is a lecturer and senior researcher at the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. He has been pursuing his career in academia since 1992. He actively examines issues of socio-economic development of agriculture and the environment. He consistently studies the role of social capital in development, sustainable livelihood systems, food security, community-based conservation, land use conflicts, small-scale agricultural systems, agricultural products marketing, and agricultural policies and transformation. Small-scale farmers empowerment has been the focus of his service and research in the last five years. Therefore, he has been actively conducting follow-up studies in order to find an adaptive credit model for small-scale farming since 2017. In line with his field of expertise, he writes articles in reputable national and international journals.

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Dr.Rustina Untari, S.E. M.Si

Rustina Untari has been a lecturer at the Management Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Unika Soegijapranta Semarang since 1990. Her bachelor’s degree is from Faculty of Economy Diponegoro University, her master's and doctorate degrees are from Industrial Management Program Bandung Institute of Technology. She teaches Entrepreneurship, Small Industry, and Operations Management. She has been a visiting researcher at the School Of Business University of San Carlos - Cebu Philippines (2017), Bowling Green State University - Ohio USA (2018), and Wira Wacana Christian University - Sumba (2019). Untari conducts research in Small Business, Entrepreneurship, Culture and Creative Industries, Industrial Clusters, and Community Based Tourism. As the research leader, she received research grants from Directorate General of Higher Education, MoRTHE (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education), and DRPM. Her research schemes in grants are: Hibah Pasca, Hibah Bersaing, Hibah Stranas, Hibah Fundamental, dan Hibah Penelitian Kerjasama Luar Negeri. She carried out research collaboration with several local and foreign institutions, such as: Research and Development Agencyof Central Java Province, Regional Research Council (DRD) of Central Java Province, School Of Business University of San Carlos Cebu Philippines (2016 – 2018), Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Bowling Green State University OHIO USA (2017 – present), Wira Wacana Christian University - Sumba (2017 – 2019). She has published articles on Scopus indexed journals, international journals, conference proceedings, and SINTA indexed national journals. She participates in community empowerment activities, especially for small business and women. The activities are carried out in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Catholic Universities with funding from Misereor (German Catholic Bishops' Organization for Development Cooperation), Central Java Provincial government, city government of Semarang, and CSR programs from private companies.

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Dr. Sitti Raodhah, SKM., M. Kes.

Sitti Raodhah is a lecturer with public health knowledge in the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIN Alauddin Makassar. Sitti Raodhah is in charge courses of: Public Health Planning and Evaluation, Health Research Methodology, Organization and Community Empowerment. She has conducted research related to the study program which is family health and outside the study program roadmap, namely the health of diver fishermen (unpublished). She has published several studies in the journal Al Shihah (accredited 5 by Sinta at the time of publication, and currently this journal is accredited 2 by Sinta), the journal Hygiene (indexed by Moraref) and Hospital Management Studies (HOMES) which have been indexed in Google Scholar. In addition to research activities, Sitti Raodhah has done community service activities, namely: 1) Fish Nugget Processing as Substitute for Seagrass to Increase Toddler Weight at Lumu Lumu Island, Sangkarrang District, Makassar City, 2) Assistance for adolescent sexual and reproductive health at TPA Antang, Manggala District, Makassar City; and 3) Efforts to improve the health of Elderly in Jene'madinging Village, Pattallassang District, Gowa Regency. In addition, Sitti Raodhah participated as a trainer for enumerator in the 2018 Indonesia Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), and as the Technical Person in Charge (PJT) for Health Facility Research (Rifaskes) in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan, which was carried out by the Agency of Health Research and Development of the Ministry of Health.

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Dr. Suci Wulandari

Suci Wulandari is an agricultural socioeconomics specialist responsible for conducting research and formulating policy briefs that promote sustainable technology adoption and agricultural innovation. Her broad experience includes working as National Advisor for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the National Development Planning Agency for Local Economic Development Programs, National Advisor for Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and National Development Planning Agency for Local Economic Development Support Facilities Program. Dr. Wulandari also works as the Coordinator of Socioeconomics and Business Modelling in the IndoBeef ACIAR program. As Coordinator of Socioeconomics and Business Modelling in the PalmCow component of ACIAR’s IndoBeef program, Dr Wulandari has been developing business models to identify such opportunities, for smallholder farmers in particular. She is committed to research excellence. She obtained a scholarship for her Master of Agribusiness Management from Bogor Agricultural University and was awarded a scholarship from the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) to obtain a Doctor of Agroindustrial Technology at the same institute. She has trained internationally undertaking various programs in Asia, Africa, America and Australia covering agricultural innovation systems, transfer technology, and leadership. The ability to expand her technical expertise beyond academia and make a genuine impact upon the lives of people has been her proudest achievement. Suci Wulandari’s capacity for leadership has been recognized as she was awarded a prestigious Meryl Williams Fellowship by the Australian Institute for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

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Prof. Dr.Ing. Himasari Hanan, MAE

Himasari Hanan is a lecturer in the Architecture and Urban Design study program at ITB and has been teaching at the ITB Landscape Architecture masters study program since 1983. Research grants obtained are from LPPM ITB and the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. She is on the editorial board of Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies and Journal of Asian Behavioral Studies, and is a reviewer of several international and national journals indexed by Scopus and Sinta. She is in the History, Theory and Architectural Critic expertise group, which explores and develops knowledge of Vernacular Architecture and Urban Design especially with regard to the values ​​and behavior of local people in planning and designing their living environment. Her research areas include traditional architecture in Indonesia and its development, the development of cities in Indonesia and changes in the culture of living and living as a result of lifestyle impacts, especially from the millennial generation. Her articles include the traditional Batak Toba settlements in Sumatra, Bali Aga in Bali, the Keraton area and its settlement in Java, the design of inland and coastal cities in Java, and the development of creative industrial areas in North Bandung. Her research interest lies in the preservation and use of buildings, historic areas, development of sustainable cultural heritage for cultural and natural tourism and creative industries. Her upcoming research is to improve the 'quality of life' of urban areas in Indonesia by taking into account the lifestyle and human behavior in the tropical natural environment.

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